Dealer & Builder Info
Q: How Do I Become A Porter Pickups Dealer?
A: Email us at with your store/shop information and we will reply with our dealer terms and basic info. We like stores to provide links to their shop’s website and other web pages, so we can verify they are a legitimate setup. You can also use the contact form here.
Q: I Own/Work For A Guitar Company That Wants To Use Porter Pickups, Whats My Next Step?
A: We really enjoy working with guitar companies! Please use the Contact form to send us a bit about your company including how many guitars you build per year, and how many you think would contain Porters. Once we receive your basic information, we can talk about how we can best serve you. We offer a great service for guitar builders looking for a custom wound pickup for their production guitars or a specific wind for a new model. We offer a fast growing social media and great mutual promotion for builders we work with.